Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I will rise.

Last night, my family, (mom, dad, Prince Charming and myself) watched the movie, Knowing with Nicholas Cage. WOW. Such spiritual allegories. I don't wanna ruin it for you, if you haven't seen it. but the writer, apparently had to know the Bible, especially the book of Revelations. It talks (more or less) about Ezekiel's wheel, the tree of life, the rapture, the holy spirit... etc.

Anyways. Highly recommended :)

Today is turning out to be a pretty laid back day, went in to work around 2:30, after lunch. and then going grocery shopping with mom. So far, so good. ;)

Remember, Grace is shining on you today, who will you radiate off of?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Your writing skills are great, girlie! And you make me want to see that movie. I especially love your profile!
